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Shperling AI
$40-80m savings per year
for a team of 500-1000 people
AI Search and Q&A
for your enterprise
Analogue of the Notorous chat gpt icon ChatGPT for all internal knowledge bases, systems and products. Completely in the company's closed loop.

A team of people from
Meta iconGoogle iconAmazon iconSnapchat icon
McKinsey research, 2022
15-25% of employees' time is
spent on searching for information
Search icon
Key Usecases
Sales and support
Q&A, regulations, assessment and training
HR andonboarding
General questions, past meetings summaries, contact search
Legal and Finance
Risk analysis, search forrelated documents, large document summaries

The search is based on the internal data of each department, Personalized retraining of the system is also performed for the departments The system architecture is designed to add new departments and their cases
Search icon
Data Management
The system is deployed within the company loop
Access rights
For employees and departments
Various Sources
Local files, systems like G Suit/Microsoft Office, internal wikis, CRM systems and online services
Zoom iconMiro iconNotion iconMicrosoft word iconMicrosoft excel iconMicrosoft Power Point icon
Our Advantages
Data doesn't leave the internal company loop
Images, schemes, tables are recognised
The speed is many times higher due to the small size of the model
All system responses are based on the data of company
© shperling AI, Inc. 2023
❤️ Made with love from the World
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